After some reflection, I’ve decided to delete my account on Facebook. There is no one main reason for this decision; the idea has been rolling around in my head for a while now and I finally came to the realization that I just don’t need it. I have a great core group of friends and im close to my family. We CALL each other have "buddie-chats" and hangout frequently.
Here are a few reasons:
Reason 1) Constantly changing privacy and account settings are annoying. You have to continually re-read the changes and make sure your page is up to date. Let’s face it I’m not a computer person and never will be. That’s why they have a genius bar at the apple store and cute boys. I just don’t do computers!
Reason 2) Facebook used to only be available to people who had a valid university email address, nonetheless now, it is available to EVERYBODY. Unfortunately this means mom and pops have made their way onto the internet and how can you not be friends with your mom and dad? Come on now, they raised you! Or your BOSS?? However, I am sure they don't want to see your photo album labeled "Getting Wasted in Vegas." There are some things that some people just don’t need to know.
Reason 3) Before Facebook I didn’t walk around handing out pages of my diary or read my friends for that matter. Recently my news feed has been filling up with a bunch of odd status updates and it’s turning into a guessing game- “I wonder who this post is about” I sometimes wonder if I was to just go ahead and TAG who I think they are referring to in the post, if I would cause more drama or help that person out. If they can’t tell the person to their face how they really feel then they sure as hell should NOT be telling the whole world! And don’t use song lyrics…please!!
Don’t get me wrong i will miss the positive aspects of Facebook, like photo sharing and stalking J But I think ill be ok.