Year 27
12:20 PM

So I'm 27 now. I just had an amazing weekend long birthday, celebrated with the best girlfriends in the world. They did so good by me, i honestly can say it was my best birthday yet! I wouldn't change a single thing about it and I'm positive that it will be impossible to top next year!

I'm not sure why but i was kinda bummed about turning 27 this year. I mean its not nearly as cool as your 21st or 30th but its also not like i need to start writing my will today. So I'm pretty sure its not the actual age that is bothering me but rather the lack of activities in the past 27 years of my life.

I have changed a lot about me and my life in the past year and all were very positive changes, for example i got a new job, i  no longer am bar tending my life away. i became very independent moving out with my sister, AND i dodged a real douche bag!! I'm very content with my life and those in it but, still feel bored!

My inspiration for this "do something new everyday" came from multiple places besides the just bored feeling. One was facebook, i recently found some old friends from high school and it was cool to see all the fun things they have been doing and places they have been. I quickly realized all my pictures and posts were basically repeats... drunk night out after drunk night out.  Second was my best friends brother, after talking to him and his friends and listening to all the places they have been and things they have seen i was almost embarrassed that i had no cool stories to share. 

Bottom line i realize I'm listening to my life at a four and feel like i should turn it up. A high 9 is the goal :).

I'm going to attempt to do something new everyday.

I'm going to start saying yes!

So please throw any ideas you have my way, they will be greatly appreciated 365 is a lot!

Here we go.

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