Honesty - Day 7
10:43 AM

“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”

In this modern world of marketing, spin and half truths maintaining honesty might be seen as a bit of a challenge! But in reality it is not, we always know at a fundamental level what is truly honest and if you are ever in doubt, simply reverse the scenario and put yourself in the others shoes... does it still feel honest?

Being honest does require a high level of self-discipline and is often really difficult to do at first because we have all got so used to those little lies and pretences that seemed to make life simpler. But that impression is false, being honest actual simplifies life considerably and releases an enormous amount of life energy from popping up complex and often completely useless webs of lies and pretences, that can now be channelled into something you really want to do.

No doubt about it-oysters are hard to swallow but what was worse was being completely honest to someone when you know its not what they were gonna want to hear. Shit is gonna happen, feelings are going to change and by no means are any of us a saints but hopefully apologizing and being 100% open about it will make you feel better and be able to move forward!

Being honest is definitely NOT a first but the situation and all the emotions that came along with it were!

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